PhD Seminar on Business: Law, Policies and Theory
Research Group Companies, Markets and Sustainability and UiO:Nordic research group Futuring Sustainable Nordic Business Models are organizing 7-11 October a PhD Seminar Business: Law, Policies and Theory. The seminar covers important theoretical issues for PhD candidates and also includes discussions of recent developments and topical issues on the EU level and in the Nordic countries, with one seminar day dedicated to the Nordics. With high quality academic lectures, the seminar is relevant also for senior scholars. The seminar is open to all interested PhD candidates as well as senior scholars, and gives PhD candidates the possibility of presenting their topics amongst a dedicated group of scholars. There is a limited number of slots for PhD presentations on a ‘first-come, first-served’ basis.
Please see the updated programme, also with more speakers in place – and note the registration information on the website, including a deadline for PhD candidates wishing to present: 14 June, with notification by 21 June. (Other participants may register up to 7 September.) We recommend registering as quickly as possible if you would like to have a chance to present!