
CALL FOR PAPERS: Sustaining Growth through Innovation in Capital Markets

ECMI in partnership with CEPS is calling for a submission of research papers in the areas ofsustainable finance, innovative financing and capital markets development. A committee of academics and international experts will select the best paper and award the author a €5,000 prize and the opportunity to present his or her findings at the 2018 ECMI Annual Conference in Brussels on 10 October 2018. 
Research papers should cover, but are not limited to, one or more of the following areas:
  • Innovative policies supporting the financing of innovative firms
  • Raising private vs. public equity
  • Crowdfunding, P2P lending, business angels and venture capital as a source of financing: opportunities and challenges
  • Primary markets activity (e.g. IPOs, rights issue, private placement, preferential allotment)
  • Sustainable investment and inclusive economic growth
  • Impact investing, socially responsible investment and sustainable indexing
  • Climate and environmental risk management 
  • Big data, FinTech and financial innovation (e.g. ICOs) for sustainability
  • Cryptocurrencies and distributed ledgers
  • Capital markets integration and reconciliation with local market development   
Deadline 26 August 2018 

The criteria requirements and more information can be found HERE.

Academic Committee: 
  • Andrei Kirilenko, Imperial College London (Chair)
  • Florencio Lopez de Silanes, SKEMA Business School (Vice Chair)
  • Jesper Lau Hansen, University of Copenhagen
  • Kris Boudt, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Alistair Milne, Loughborough University
  • Bert Scholtens, University of Groningen
Best regards,
Karel Lannoo
General Manager, ECMI